According to statistics, about 14% of people have plantar warts at some point. While they mostly occur in children and teenagers, anyone is susceptible to plantar warts regardless of age. These are small rough growths that appear on the feet. Plantar warts are unsightly and uncomfortable growths, mostly on the feet, balls, and heels. They often develop in areas that exert the most pressure. This can make them grow inward and cause more discomfort when you walk or run. Fortunately, there are innovative and effective treatments if you suffer from stubborn Glen Burnie plantar wart. Have you been diagnosed or suspect you have plantar warts? Here are several things you need to know.
What Causes Plantar Warts?
Plantar warts refer to tiny growths that develop on the balls of your feet and between the toes. They are caused by human papillomavirus (HPV), which penetrates your skin via a wound or the tiniest crack. The virus is highly contagious; hence easy to come into contact with it when walking barefoot in places such as pool decks or communal showers. You have a higher chance of developing plantar warts if you have a weakened immunity or have a medical history of plantar warts.
How Do You Know If You Have Plantar Warts?
Plantar warts are visible. Because they often mimic other growths on the feet, you can easily overlook a wart outbreak. If you have plantar warts, you might notice elevated or raised bumps with black pinpoint centers that disrupt your foot lines, growths with a rough or grainy texture, burning sensations with pressure, and small growth clusters. When left untreated, plantar warts can grow into your skin, causing thickened calluses over them.
Are Plantar Warts Dangerous If Untreated
Plantar warts are not a serious health concern and often disappear after treatment. However, while they are not dangerous, you should get them removed due to aesthetic reasons. You should consult your doctor about the solutions if they become uncomfortable or persist. Several plantar wart remedies are available such as salicylic acid ointments and wart creams. However, they are less effective and hence can take months to work if they do work.
How Can You Avoid Getting Plantar Warts
To help prevent developing plantar warts, you should avoid walking barefoot. HPV virus is highly contagious as it thrives in moist and warm places such as aquatic centers and gyms. Medical providers recommend you avoid sharing footwear, socks, razors, towels, and other personal care items. Also, avoid direct contact with other warts, such as rubbing or picking existing warts, to prevent the further spread of plantar warts.
Plantar warts are pretty harmless. However, you should seek medical attention if the growth is painful, bleeding, or changing shape or color. Also, it is essential to seek medical attention if you have plantar warts and conditions that compromise your immunity, such as HIV/AIDS or diabetes. Podiatrists can use a range of treatments to get rid of warts, including cryotherapy, topical medications, surgical removal, and laser therapy. After treatment, if warts keep coming back, a skin specialist can recommend surgery.