Everything You Should Know About Menopause

Most women develop menopause in their early 50s. Menopause affects every woman differently, and while some only experience mild symptoms, others may develop severe symptoms that elevate their risk for chronic diseases. If menopause Houston interferes with your daily life, you may benefit from hormone replacement therapy.

How long menopause lasts

Menopause marks the end of a menstrual cycle. Your doctor may diagnose you with menopause after 12 consecutive months without your monthly periods. Although menopause is an unstoppable biological process, its symptoms can significantly lower your quality of life. Most women begin experiencing these symptoms at the age of 51. However, several factors, including ovary health and genetics, often determine when your menopause will begin. You may develop perimenopause in your mid-40s before transitioning to menopause, although some women skip the perimenopause stage. Menopause symptoms may last for about four years after your last period.

Symptoms associated with menopause

Every woman is bound to develop menopause, but the severity of the symptoms varies from one person to the next. For some women, the symptoms are mild, while for others, the symptoms may significantly affect their quality of life. These symptoms include night sweats, insomnia, depression, mood swings, weight gain, pain during intercourse, irritability, and vaginal dryness. You may experience irregular periods before they stop completely.

Despite the irregular periods, having unprotected sexual intercourse can lead to pregnancy. If you experience symptoms that interfere with your daily life, inform your doctor for comprehensive care. The Memorial Women’s Specialists team may recommend preventive health care, including screening tests like triglyceride screening, mammography, and colonoscopy. Also, inform your provider if you experience vaginal bleeding after menopause.

Why menopause occurs

Natural menopause is part of the aging process. Your provider diagnoses you with the condition after confirming that you don’t have medical conditions and are not undergoing treatments like radiation therapy that may interfere with your menstrual cycle. As you grow older, your reproductive process slows down and eventually stops. As you approach menopause, your ovaries produce minimal estrogen, causing an irregularity in your menstrual cycle. You may also notice physical changes such as weight gain due to hormone fluctuation.

Diagnosis and treatment of menopause

During your appointment at The Memorial Women’s Specialists, your physician discusses your symptoms, reviews your health history, and conducts a physical exam. You may need to disclose when last you experienced your period. Although menopause is an inevitable aging process, you don’t need to endure the associated symptoms. Many women rarely require treatment, but if the symptoms disrupt your life, your provider may make several recommendations before developing an individualized treatment plan. The team may recommend nutritional supplements, exercise programs, and low-dose antidepressants. The practice also offers hormone replacement therapy to improve bone health and symptoms. Vaginal estrogen may also relieve vagina discomfort and dryness. Although hormone replacement therapy is a safe and effective treatment for menopause, you may not be eligible for it if you have a history of breast cancer or heart disease.

To learn more about menopause, call The Memorial Women’s Specialists office or book your spot online.

William Thomas

William Thomas