Benefits of Monoclonal Antibody Treatment for COVID-19

There has been a spike in hospitalizations since the advent of the respiratory acute syndrome coronavirus (COVID-19). Studies show that monoclonal antibody (mAb) therapy can reduce the viral load and manage symptoms. Desoto Family Care Clinic provides monoclonal treatment Southaven to reduce symptoms severity and hospitalizations. Find out how you can benefit from monoclonal therapies to restore your health and vitality.

What is monoclonal antibody treatment?

The body’s immune system relies on antibodies to fight infections. An antibody is a protein that seeks out foreign materials throughout the body. Once it binds with the antigen, it prompts the immune system to attack the foreign material.

Monoclonal antibodies are similar to the ones your body releases to deal with infections. Scientists generate these antibodies to target specific antigens.

Researchers call these antibodies monoclonal because they are exact copies or ‘clones’ of your antibodies. Mono refers to the fact that it binds to one antibody. Polyclonal is another type that can attach to more than one antigen.

Who is a candidate for monoclonal antibody treatment?

Covid19 can affect people of all ages, from infants to adults. But certain cases can increase the risk of severe symptoms and hospitalizations.

Older patients are susceptible to respiratory problems. Monoclonal antibody treatment can help people with co-occurring conditions like cardiovascular disease and obesity.

Monoclonal treatment is ideal for people of all ages with diabetes, obesity, chronic lung disease, and kidney disease. Those conditions can increase the risk of complications as COVID-19 progresses.

Even if you are not feeling sick from COVID-19, you should still consider monoclonal therapy. It is invaluable for patients with a compromised immune system. The earlier you seek treatment, the more likely you will contain severe symptoms.

How is the antibody administered?

Your healthcare provider will administer the monoclonal treatment through an IV infusion. You will undergo a test to check your response to the antibody. Since the antibody is a protein, it sometimes causes side effects like allergic reactions and nausea.

The antibody is infused intravenously to encourage fast action. It also ensures the dosage is precise, which reduces adverse events.

The process typically takes about an hour to complete. Your healthcare provider will administer the antibody in an outpatient setting. Your healthcare provider will monitor your health for signs of allergic reactions.

Benefits of monoclonal antibody treatment

The primary benefit of monoclonal treatment is that it reduces severe symptoms of COVID-19; Studies show it can prevent disease progression for high-risk patients. People with cardiovascular conditions, a compromised immune system, obesity, and sickle cell disease can reduce hospitalization and death.

While monoclonal antibodies can have side effects, they only occur during or immediately after treatment. They also have fewer side effects than other drugs used to treat COVID-19.

It is possible to manufacture the antibodies in large quantities. But all the batches are standard to ensure predictable results during treatment. They are reliable and provide the best outcomes compared to alternative therapies.

For more information on monoclonal treatments, call Desoto Family Care Clinic or book an appointment online.

William Thomas

William Thomas