7 Major Warning Signs of Fibroids

Fibroids affect millions of women in the United States, especially as they age. Uterine fibroid is often benign and has no symptoms in the early phases. In fact, most women are not even aware they have Buckhead fibroids. The warning signs could be easy to miss. Nonetheless, once uterine fibroids develop big enough, they could trigger symptoms, ranging from simply annoying to more serious symptoms disruptive to your life quality. The seriousness of symptoms often varies based on the type and size of the fibroid, determined by where it is located inside the uterus. Here are the most common warning signs to watch out for.

1. Heavy Vaginal Bleeding

Excessively heavy or continued menstrual bleeding is one of the most common symptoms. A heavy period is characterized as the need to soak through pads and tampons in under an hour and pass unusually big clots. One may also experience difficulties stepping outside the house because of a heavy flow.

This excessive bleeding can cause anemia, which leads to associated concerns like headaches, dizziness, and fatigue. Thus, if heavy menses affect your daily life, or you develop anemia, see your physician.

2. Pelvic Pain

A less prevalent sign of uterine fibroids is acute, serious pain. This condition happens once a fibroid undergoes degeneration. Typically, the discomfort is concentrated on a specific area and improves by itself in 2-4 weeks.

Utilizing a pain reliever, like ibuprofen, can hugely reduce the discomfort. However, chronic pelvic discomfort could also happen. This discomfort is often mild, but constant and can be quite disruptive.

3. Enlarged Uterus

Fibroids cause abdomen inflammation, making the stomach big and distended. Not only could this issue cause problems with your looks, but it could render it hard to find nicely-fitting clothes and affect your self-confidence.

4. Bladder Issues

The most prevalent bladder symptom is the need to urinate often. You might awaken several times during the night to visit the washroom. Sometimes, the woman might have difficulty urinating despite having a full bladder. Bladder symptoms result from fibroid pushing hard on the bladder, reducing its ability to hold urine and block the urine outflow.

5. Low Back Pain

Fibroids sometimes push against the nerves and muscles of your lower back, causing back pain. A big fibroid that grows on the back surface of one’s uterus is more prone to causing back pain than a tiny fibroid inside the uterine wall. However, because back pain can result from numerous factors, it is vital to look for other reasons for pain before concluding it is fibroids.

6. Rectal Pressure

Fibroids could also push against your rectum, causing a feeling of rectal fullness, and discomfort or problems with bowel movements. Occasionally, fibroids could also result in the development of hemorrhoids. 

7. Pain or Discomfort with Sexual Intercourse

Fibroids may make sexual intercourse uncomfortable or painful. The discomfort might flare up only in certain positions or during specific times of your menstrual cycle.

Uterine fibroids are more prevalent than you think, and although many women develop these benign tumors, many do not realize they have the condition. In fact, most women experience asymptomatic fibroids, making diagnosing and treating the condition difficult. Adding to the complex diagnostic process, you may easily confuse most fibroid symptoms for other gynecological or health conditions. Therefore, it is vital to understand and discuss any possible symptoms with your physician. An ultrasound and routine pelvic exam can provide a more comprehensive diagnosis of your condition.

William Thomas

William Thomas